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information transmission

【计】 信息传输

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英文: Abstract Although Internet extremely popularized and the way exchanged the information varied now, the facsimile not only has not slackened as the information transmission important tool, instead obtained in the application aspect strengthens.

中文: 摘要:虽然因特网已经非常普及,人们交流信息的方式多种多样,但是传真机作为信息传递的重要工具不但没有消弱,反而在应用方面得到加强。        更详细...
英文: By using optical cable communication methods, which have advantages of great information transmission capacity, rapid velocity, wide frequency band, strong anti-jamming capability, low circuitry loss and easy construction, modern sky-wave over-the-horizon

中文: 通过采用光纤传输技术,利用其信息传输容量大,速度快,频带宽,抗干扰能力强,线路损耗低,易于施工等特点,实现全相参雷达的信息传输和系统控制,具有优良的保密性,稳定性、抗干扰性和抗摧毁能力。        更详细...
英文: By using optical fiber communication and information transmission based on industrial Ethernet, the said system organically combines the industrial automatic control based on programmable logic controller (PLC) with video supervison, as well as with super

中文: 系统采用光纤通讯和基于工业以太网的信息传输,将基于PLC的工业自动控制和视频监控、防火防盗监控有机地结合在一起,实现了对水泵站的远程无人值守监控。        更详细...
英文: If a person's nervous system has the problem, may imagine in the information transmission can have the problem, can neglect the reflection which foreign stimulates, even is the information receiving system has the disorder; Same if in enterprise informati

中文: 如果一个人的神经系统出现问题,可以想象在信息的传达上就会出现问题,就会忽视对外界刺激的反映,甚至是信息接收系统发生紊乱;同样的如果企业信息化建设过程中如果没有将相应的计算机网络系统搭建好(也即是我们通常所说的企业信息化建设的基础设施),那么信息的传输肯定会出现问题,企业的信息化建设也就成为一纸空谈,甚至就会有“万丈高楼沙滩起,一夜坍塌悔不已”的感觉。        更详细...
英文: In order to solve the problem that it is unable to control the storage of yarn and that in yarn factory as manual management,this paper designs a yarn manangement system for knitting dress enterprises with the fast and accurate information transmission of

中文: 针对手工操作管理纱线无法及时准确掌握纱线库存以及在织造厂的纱线存量情况,利用计算机信息传播的快速性和准确性,设计实现了针织服装企业纱线管理系统,该系统在实现了用户安全与权限认证的基础上完成了数据的增、删、改、查询和单据审核等功能,满足了用户需求。        更详细...

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