英文: Maria Julia Mantilla Garcia, dressed in a shimmering blue backless dress, burst into tears at the announcement, after winning the hearts of the audience saying the thing she would miss most about the competition was its host town, Sanya.
中文: 身着亮蓝露背礼服的玛丽亚·朱莉娅·曼提拉·加西亚在听到结果后放声大哭,之前,她因告诉观众本次大赛使其最难以忘怀的是三亚这座主办城市而大获人心。
英文: The pair had a promotional agreement before Mantilla was crowned Miss Peru, in which she would publicize his clinic in exchange for operations.
中文: 在玛丽亚还没有当选“秘鲁小姐”之前,她和莫里拉丝医生曾达成了一份互利协议:莫里拉丝免费为玛丽亚做手术,玛丽亚则为他的诊所做宣传。