英文: Although this new device satisfied the requirements of monastic and urban communities, it was too inaccurate and unreliable for scientific application until the pendulum was employed to govern its operation.
中文: 虽然这项发明已可满足修道院与都市生活的需求,但对于科学应用来说,它还是不够精确,仍不足以信赖;这个问题得等到以钟摆来控制机械的运行后才解决。
英文: Flourishing monastic universities offered a life of study and contemplation but also provided a direct route to tremendous wealth, political influence, and social prestige.
中文: 繁茂的僧侣学院提供了对生命学习和沉思的场所,也提供了一条直接路径去通往极大的财富和政治影响力,还有社会威望。
英文: From the early centuries AD, learned monks from the monastic centres of Central Asia imparted their knowledge and interpretations of the scriptures to their Chinese counterparts by way of these trade routes.
中文: 头几个世纪以来,从中亚的修道院而来的博学僧人传授了他们的知识,为中国人通译了他们的经卷。
英文: He leads a monastic life.
中文: 他过着隐居的生活。
英文: In Monastic Life in Medieval Daoism, a senior scholar of Daoist studies presents for the first time a detailed description and analysis of the organization and practices of medieval Daoist monasteries.
中文: 就中古道教的宫观生活,一位道教研究的资深学者首度就中古道教宫观的组织、运作提出了详尽的描述与分析。