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*['krɒsrәud];n. 交叉路, 岔道, 十字路口

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*['krɒsrәud]\nn. 交叉路, 岔道, 十字路口\n相关词组:\n stand at the crossroad

英文: A man was going to the county fair one day with a pig under one arm and a chicken under the other arm,and a basket on his head.He came to a crossroad and didn't know which way to turn.While he stood there deciding,a young womam approached him, heading the

中文: 一天,一个男的要去集市,他一手夹着一头小猪,另一手夹着一只鸡,头上还顶着一个菜篮子.但是他走到十字路口却不知该往哪边走.他站在那决定该往哪边走的时候,这时一个年轻的女子朝着和他同一方向走来.        更详细...
英文: Are you blowing opportunity after opportunity because you can't recognize a crossroad when you come to?

中文: 一再错失良机,是不是因为走到了十字路口,而自己总是浑然不觉?        更详细...
英文: As a part of the Kerry Center, which is situated in the crossroad of East Sanhuan Road and Guanghua Road, the Kerry Center Hotel integrates with the facilities of the top business, residence and shopping mall and provides universal and full-functional ser

中文: 作为地处东三环路和光华路交界处的北京嘉里中心的一部分,嘉里饭店坐拥集顶级商务、住宅和商铺为一体的综合性设施,拥有全方位多功能的服务环境。        更详细...
英文: Economic increase of over 20 years, called Chinese miracle, has faced a crossroad since the former production way, i.e., consumption of high capital plus input of mass labor plus advance of low technology, has become a trap for Chinese economic developmen

中文: 摘要持续了20多年的“中国奇迹”式的经济增长站在了一个十字路口,以往的高资本消耗加大规模劳动投入加低技术进步的生产方式已经成为中国经济发展的陷阱。        更详细...
英文: “Are you blowing opportunity after opportunity because you can't recognize a crossroad when you come to it?

中文: 你一再错失大好良机,是不是因为走到了十字路口,而自己总是浑然不觉?        更详细...

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