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审判, 试验, 艰苦, 麻烦事, 考验

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*['traiәl]\nn. 审判, 试验, 艰苦, 麻烦事, 考验\na. 审讯的, 试验性的\n【经】 试算, 试用, 试验\n相关词组:\n give sb a trial\n bring sb to trial\n bring sb up for trial\n on a trial basis\n on trial\n stand sb's trial for\n stand trial\n trial and error\n make a trial

英文: After much trial and error, we found a formula which fitted,wrote Tench, who had nothing to do with the Brown case but discovered the italicized letters when studying the ruling.

中文: 坦奇并未插手布朗一案,但他在阅读判决书时发现了那些斜体字母,他写道:“经过反复试验后,我们发现有个公式恰好可用来破译法官的密码。”        更详细...
英文: For the retrial of a remanded case, the people's court of first instance shall form a new collegial panel in accordance with the procedure of first instance.

中文: 发回重审的案件,原审人民法院应当按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭。        更详细...
英文: Jialiis the member of material resource market of Sinopec and CNPC, general syndic of China Petroleum Equipment Industrial Association, the recommending manufacturer of PLA, China Aviation Oil Corporation, China Shipping Oil and National Petroleum Storage

中文: 公司系中石化、中石油物资资源市场成员单位、中国石油设备工业协会常务理事单位、各大军区后勤油料部、中国航空油料总公司、中国船舶油料、国家储备等单位推荐产品的生产企业,为中国石油化工设备制造业十强企业,在业内具有相当的知名度和影响力。        更详细...
英文: Many chemical and industrial enterprises are built along rivers so that they can dump the waste into water easily,Chen said. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides also pollute underground water.

中文: 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所的健康专家陈智周说,“恶性肿瘤高发的主要原因是环境污染,空气和水污染正日益严重。”        更详细...
英文: Sanhe ultrastrong plastic woodis a moulding compound panel by scientific prescription, high temperature, and high pressure after mixing the polyolefin resin, wooden fiber and the industrial and agricultural surplus materials.

中文: “三和超强塑木”是用聚烯烃树脂与木质纤维及其它工农业剩余物质混合后经科学配方、高温、高压挤出成型的复合板材。        更详细...

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