英文: Alpha Beta Colleges : has a complete system to help and take care of students.
中文: 学院拥有一套完整的学生咨询服务和深切关怀制度。
英文: For the future, there is a need for better culture conditions and more complete system of the drug toxicology research.
中文: 在今后的研究中,如何改善肝脏体外模型的培养条件及完善药物肝脏毒性研究体系是急需解决的课题。
英文: In the pursuit of continuous growth, the company has adopted a complete system on the recruits, training, promotion, welfare, retirement and relief of the employees, which has enabled employees to achieve self-fulfillment and led to the maximum benefits f
中文: 基于企业永续经营发展的理念,本公司对人才聘用建立一套完整性的选才、育才、用才计划,使任用人员不致埋没、浪费其能力,更使同仁在公允的任用、升迁制度;固定薪资保障;完备奖惩、福利、退抚制度下发挥个人最大潜能,获致劳资双方最大的利益。
英文: Since its establishment, the American Document Center, through years of development, not only has a complete system and good effect, but also has been a model of other countries' archival work to immutate and its system has been spread widely in the world
中文: 美国文件中心自建立以来,经过若干年的发展,不仅体系完备,效益显著,而且成为世界其他国家档案工作效仿的对象,在世界其它国家得到了推广。
英文: Students listen to a lecture on the Cornell system, a complete system for note-taking. As they listen they practise taking notes.
中文: 学生先在康奈尔体系(一个用于作笔记的完善体系)上边听讲课内容,边练习作笔记。