英文: Each year at a 1,000-megawatt coal plant modified for carbon capture, about 50 million barrels of supercritical carbon dioxide would be secured—about 100,000 barrels a day.
中文: 一座改造成碳捕集式的100万瓩燃煤电厂,每年约有5000万桶超临界态二氧化碳需要安置,即每天10万桶左右。
英文: Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, in commenting Iran's true intention to start working on a 40-megawatt heavy water reactor that will make plutonium.
中文: 伊朗开始建造一40兆瓦的重水反应堆,以生产钚元素.威斯康辛核武器控制项目主任米尔赫林就其真正意图作了上述评析.
英文: In order to meet growing domestic energy demand, China plans to build four 1,000-megawatt plants as part of its strategy to quadruple nuclear capacity to 32,000 megawatts between 2005 and 2020.
中文: 同时为了满足国内日益增长的能源需求,中国计划再建4座1000兆瓦的核电厂2005~2020年作为其战略翻两番核能力达到3.2万兆瓦之间。
英文: Maybe even one ohm for some of these gee-whiz ultra-stable megawatt car audio amplifiers meant to cause your eardrums to meet in the center of your skull.
中文: 也许你会看到一个只有一欧姆阻抗的系统,例如那些刺耳、无比稳定、而且标称上兆瓦功率的车载放大器,那么这个时候,你只能耳膜打鼓了。
英文: Now everywhere Charlotte went her megawatt smile drew crowds.
中文: 无论走到哪里,夏洛特迷人的微笑吸引了大批观众。