英文: Employing the oblique projection shifting method, we have solved some graphic problem in descriptive geometry. It is very simple and fruitful to deal with difficult problems in orthographic drawing.
中文: 摘要介绍了投影变换中的斜投射法及其在解决工程图学一些问题中的应用。用这种方法可解决工程图学中用正投影方法不便解决的图示、图解问题,而且具有应用范围广、作图简便的优点。
英文: However, the constructive features played a prominent role in the development of orthographic regularity after its appearance in every grade: the developmental level of the left-right one was superior to those of the up-down and the half-encircled.
中文: (3)年级内部正字法意识的萌发和年级之间正字法意识发展的差异不受结构类型的影响,但萌发之后各年级内部均是对左右结构汉字正字法意识优于上下结构和半包围结构。
英文: Orthographic practices - if there is more than one way to spell or write your language, you will need rules about it.
中文: 正词法实践-假使尔笃个言话有弗罢一种拼写或者书写个办法,尔笃要拿相关规矩定出来。
英文: The results showed: (1) children's knowledge of orthographic regularity developed gradually based on their reading experience.
中文: (2)只有小学一年级被试的真字识别受结构类型影响。
英文: What is to be represented, and how? The Haitian Creole orthographic debates.
中文: 要表现什么?如何表现?海地克理奥尔拼字法的争论。