英文: Disease is the bullet killing frogs, but climate change is pulling the trigger,says Alan Pounds, an ecologist at the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve and Tropical Science Center in Costa Rica.
中文: 阿兰·庞兹是哥斯达黎加的蒙特沃德云雾森林保护区和热带科学中心的生态学家,他说:“疾病是杀死蛙类的子弹,但扣动扳机的却是气候变化。”
英文: I want to run a grocery store in the countryside.A high-ranking military officer replied. For me,an female minister said, I'd like to operate a small inn at the seashore of Costa Rica.A mayor preferred to switch to another occupation as a photographer.
中文: 一位军界要人的回答,是去乡间开一个杂货铺;一位女部长的答案,是到哥斯达黎加的海滨经营一个小旅馆;一位市长的愿望是改行当摄影记者;一位劳动部长是想做一家饮料公司的经理。
英文: 1987 The Central American Peace Accord was signed in Guatemala City by presidents from Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador.
中文: 危地马拉·尼加拉瓜、哥斯达尼加、洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多5国总统在危地马拉城签署《中美洲和平协议》。
英文: 5 Costa Rica's most active volcano, Arenal, hacked and coughed on Friday, sending cinders, rocks and ash down its slopes that lead to evacuation of people living nearby.
中文: 2003年9月5日哥斯达黎加最活跃的火山---阿尼那尔火山星期五开始爆发,从山坡上喷射出熔渣,热岩和火山灰,迫使居住在附近的人们撤离。
英文: A 3-0 victory against Costa Rica put Ecuador in the second round of the World Cup for the first time.
中文: 这场战役对厄瓜多尔来说意义可真是非同小可。厄瓜多尔第一次晋级世界杯十六强啊!