英文: Disease will never be cured or eradicated by present materialistic methods, for the simple reason that disease in its origin is not material . . .
中文: 以目前人类的治疗物质是无法根除疾病的,因为疾病本身就不是一种物质…疾病是灵魂和心灵不断的冲突而产生,没有心灵的努力与灵魂的合作,疾病是无法医治的。
英文: A London-based think-tank has warned that minority groups in Iraq are facing unprecedented levels of violence and could soon be eradicated unless their plight is recognized immediately and act to the pump.
中文: 一个位于伦敦的智囊团已经警告在伊朗的少数民族目前正面临空前暴利阶段,并且可能不久将很快灭绝,除非他们的困境能被即刻察觉并采取行动。
英文: A number of Asian countries, including Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore, have successfully eradicated rabies through animal control and immunization programs.
中文: 一定数量的亚洲国家,包括日本,韩国,马来西亚和新加坡,通过动物控制和免役节目成功地根除了狂犬病。
英文: Elsewhere, wolves are hounded by controversy, as livestock owners—who nearly eradicated wolves in the early 1900s—protest the reintroduction of wolves to public lands.
中文: 但在20世纪初,传统的偏见使狼群遭到捕猎,畜牧业主把进入他们领地的狼群几乎赶尽杀绝。
英文: He eradicated weeds in his garden.
中文: 他把花园中的杂草根除了。