英文: EMFRIG N oils are selected mineral oils by solvent processing and finishing, to give the light color, low pour point, low carbon residue, low floc point and good oxidation stability.
中文: EMFRIG N是以精选矿物油经溶剂提纯与精炼而成,具有浅色、低残碳、低絮凝点与优异的抗氧化性。
英文: Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising a sample will ignite momentarily On application Of a flame under specified conditions.
中文: 闪点在规定条件下,油品加热后所逸出的蒸气与火焰接触发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度。
英文: Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising from a sample will ignite momentarily on application of a flame under specified conditions.
中文: 闪点在规定条什下,油品加热后所逸出的蒸气与火焰接触发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度。
英文: Floc properties may be described by properties as floc strength, specific surface area, surface potential and surface energy.
中文: 絮凝物可以通过絮凝物强度,具体表面,表面潜力和表面能量来描述。