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Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising a sample will ignite momentarily On application Of a flame under specified conditions.

Floating hammer, force of impact don't act on basic shaft and surface, have buffer action. 环锤浮动,冲击力不直接作用于主轴和壳体,有一定的缓冲作用。
Floating objects or material; flotsam. 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料;漂浮物
Floating people have distinct non-inhabitation characters, expressed by marginal residential space, floating shelters, vagabond dwelling value and unhealthy dwelling environment. 研究表明流动人口在大城市具有明显的非居民化的居住特征,表现在居住场所集中于城市边缘,居住地更换频繁,居住质量差和居民身份认同感缺乏。
Floating, drifting and speeding down rivers is all part of kayaking. 漂浮、漂移和急速冲下河流都是划独木舟的一部分。
Floats, however, are much more versatile than that. 浮动,比这要灵活的多。
Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising a sample will ignite momentarily On application Of a flame under specified conditions. 闪点在规定条件下,油品加热后所逸出的蒸气与火焰接触发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度。
Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising from a sample will ignite momentarily on application of a flame under specified conditions. 闪点在规定条什下,油品加热后所逸出的蒸气与火焰接触发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度。
Floc properties may be described by properties as floc strength, specific surface area, surface potential and surface energy. 絮凝物可以通过絮凝物强度,具体表面,表面潜力和表面能量来描述。
Floccinaucinihilipilification also raises the danger that those who describe themselves disparagingly may describe their lives similarly, thus furnishing the appearance that low self-esteem has unpleasant outcomes. 「不值得化」的倾向也提高了另一种危险,那些以贬低的方式自我描述的人,可能也对自己的生活有类似描述,于是造就了自尊低的人生活不愉快的形象。
Flocculation The aggregation of soil particles into crumbs. 凝集:土壤颗粒聚集成块。
Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river-bank and fitful guests of wind rush over the heath. 鹤群从远远的河岸飞起,狂风吹过常青的灌木。

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