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profit from


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英文: A:Well, of course we prefer the larger profit from a bigger turn-over.

中文: 我们当然想从比较高的周转率获得比较大的利润。        更详细...
英文: According to economics, one always attempts to get profit from his/her neighbor, which provides the chance for the poor to be rich quickly by right of their advantages.

中文: 在经济学上,一个人总是试图从他的邻居那里牟取利益,这就给了穷人凭借自己的优势迅速致富的可能。        更详细...
英文: America used to make profit from the sells of big SUVs and trucks, but they were not popular due to the high petrol price; Europe has a resting production power of 30%, Swedan SAAB is more fragile, and Indian Fiat faces big reorgnization, GM and Ford's Eu

中文: 美国一直靠大型SUV和卡车保持盈利,但是这两种车型受到高油价的威胁,而且现在已经不时髦了;欧洲目前的汽车生产能力有30%的剩余;瑞典的绅宝公司极为脆弱,意大利的菲亚特公司面临大改组,通用公司和福特公司在欧洲的子公司都可能缩小生产规模,德国的大众公司也一样。        更详细...
英文: Article 38 PBC shall turn over to the State treasury the entire net profit from its every accounting fiscal yearly income minus annual expenditures after withdrawing funds for its general reserve at a proportion determined by the financial department of t

中文: 第三十八条中国人民银行每一会计年度的收入减除该年度支出,并按照国务院财政部门核定的比例提取总准备金后的净利润,全部上缴中央财政。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] This will I do to you: I will put fear in your hearts, even wasting disease and burning pain, drying up the eyes and making the soul feeble, and you will get no profit from your seed, for your haters will take it for food.

中文: 我待你们就要这样、我必命定惊惶、叫眼目乾瘪、精神消耗的痨病、热病、辖制你们.你们也要白白的撒种、因为仇敌要吃你们所种的。        更详细...

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