英文: From cultural perspective, Liu Xie's point about stylistics originated from philological concept and congealed in a linguistic structure via progressively the links such as civilization, rhetoric, literary logic, style, poetic style, and historical style.
中文: 从文化角度看,刘勰的文体学思想起始于文观念,中经文明、文饰、文道、文体、诗体、史体等环节,并最终凝定于语言结构。
英文: In English teaching, teachers ought to introduce knowledge of stylistics and cultivate student's awareness of accurate register use in order to promote the capability of language communication in a productive way.
中文: 在教学中,教师应当导入文体学知识,培养学生正确使用语域的意识,从而有效提高语言交际的能力。
英文: It excluded the officialdom of a great many excellent writers who were pursuing a plain style and advocating Confucianism, Contrary, a then prevalent style in examination papers made some of the scholars who tried to reform stylistics relate themselves to
中文: 流行于当时的行卷风气,反其道而行之,使一些力图改革文风的士子和显人联系起来,既为士子拓展了成功的道路,又为显人扩大了社会的影响。
英文: This course includes exams and solutions, problem sets and solutions, and a twenty-page research paper assignment supported by additional documents addressing outlining, stylistics and proofreading.
中文: 本课程包括了测验与解答、习题与解答,以及一份二十页的研究报告作业,外加协助学生撰写报告用的文件,内容包括:如何撰写大纲、文体风格和如何校对文件。
英文: Wang, Zuoliang. 1985. An Introduction to English Stylistics [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
中文: 王佐良,1985,《英语文体学引论》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.