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in a flash

一刹那间, 瞬间, 即刻

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英文: In a flash moment, I went from being a happy expectant mother, to being someone afraid for her life,she told reporters.

中文: 索恩科特告诉记者说:在那一瞬间,我从一个快乐的准妈妈变成了一个时刻要担心自己生命的人。        更详细...
英文: 2006 has past in a flash , only having staying experiences, this is joking aside very difficult to come to me for 1 year forget, my experience have lost , have experienced a setback, I do not stop chiding at all per se also , real that time fault is quick

中文: 2006转眼就过去了,留下的只有经历,这一年对我来说真的很难忘记,我经历了失去,经历了挫折,我本身也张了不少教训,时间过的真快,身边的一切都在变,而我也在慢慢改变。        更详细...
英文: After spending three nights staring at the image of his family in the Mirror of Erised, Harry began having nightmares of his parents disappearing in a flash of green light while a high voice laughed (SS13).

中文: 三个夜晚凝视着他家人在厄里斯魔镜中的幻像后,哈利开始做噩梦,梦见他的父母在一道绿光中消失,伴随着的是一声尖锐的笑声。        更详细...
英文: For a moment, the sandstone banks appeared, and in a flash they were gone.

中文: 砂岩的河岸出现在眼前,然后一闪即逝。        更详细...
英文: In a flash Arnie was transformed from a film superherosintosthe leader of a state bedeviled by complex financial problems, a hemorrhage of jobs and political gridlock in the state legislature.

中文: 转瞬间小阿诺德从一位电影中的超级英雄变成了一个州的领导人———该州正被复杂的经济问题、大量失业以及州议会的政治僵局所困扰。        更详细...

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