英文: One night as I walked alone on the beach, I saw the red orange glow of the lava pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance.
中文: 一天夜晚,我走在沙滩上,看到远处乞劳伊阿火山喷出橙红色的岩浆。
英文: When a billionaire who keeps company with Martha Stewart goes into space, he can't be expected to eat freeze-dried spaghetti and wash it down with powdered orange drink.
中文: 当一名与玛莎.史都华作伴的亿万富翁上太空时,你可别指望他会愿意吃冷冻乾燥的义大利面,然后用橘子粉泡的饮料冲下肚。