英文: A whole clutch of these—Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen—are in the fissile Middle East.
中文: 一连串的这些国家——阿尔及利亚、约旦、利比亚、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯、突尼斯、土耳其以及也门——都位于裂变性的中东地区。
英文: According to various estimates, China has 400 warheads and an additional 200 to 575 weapons' worth of fissile material.
中文: 根据各方估计,中国拥有400枚核子弹头,库存原料可以另外制造200~575枚。
英文: And although the Americans could bomb the North's reactors, they do not seem to know where the regime hides its fissile materials and any bombs it has made from them.
中文: 尽管美国可以炸毁朝鲜的核反应堆,但是它似乎并不清楚朝鲜把导弹原料和其制造的炸弹藏在什么地方。
英文: Bunn, Matthew. The Next Wave: Urgently Needed New Steps to Control Warheads and Fissile Material. Washington, DC and Cambridge, MA: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2000.
中文: 下一波的浪潮:迫切需要新措施以控制核弹头和核分裂物质>华盛顿特区和剑桥,MA:卡内基国际和平基金会,2000年3月。
英文: But this isotope is radioactive and decays about six times faster than does uranium 238, which indicates that the fissile fraction was much higher in the distant past.
中文: 但是,铀235是具放射性的,而且衰变的速度比铀238快六倍,表示在古代,这个易分裂同位素的比率,比现在高得多。