英文: At the same time, we also engage technological authority as technical adviser to help casting factory solve the knotty problem beyond the products of our company, HTY has gained trust of the customers and established long-term cooperation with them.
中文: 同时还聘请铸造界的技术权威,帮助铸造厂解决本公司产品以外的疑难问题,赢得了用户的高度信赖和长期合作。
英文: Cassie Dummett is the technical adviser for South Asia.
中文: 凯西是一名为南亚服务的科学顾问。
英文: Domestic timber companies employ experts in the field of technical advisers to the University of timber forestry research center for technical support, the use of first-class equipment, use of advanced production technology and technology, strengthen mana
中文: 公司聘请国内木材方面的专家为技术顾问,以林业大学木材研究中心为技术依托,使用一流的设备,运用先进的生产工艺与技术,强化管理,为各类顾客提供符合要求的高质量产品,所生产的产品已远销国内外,深受用户的一致好评。
英文: Found the factory and absorb all parts of the country produce with a batch of high quality staff famous zither accomplished performers for the technical adviser by team quintessence technology constantly one over the past over years, It adopts high qualit
中文: 建厂十余年来不断吸收全国各地制作工艺精华拥有一批高素质的员工队伍聘请著名古筝演奏家为技术顾问,采用优质木材,以精湛的制作技艺组织生产,促进高档次、高品质、高技术含量的发展。
英文: LuHuanwen,Company's overall designer and researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences; NiDalai, company's technological director and researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences; ZhangSaizhen, company's technical adviser and researcher of Chinese Academy of Sci
中文: 公司总体设计师、中科院研究员陆焕文,公司技术总监、中科院研究员倪大来,公司技术顾问、中科院研究员张赛珍参加公司所研制的电法勘探仪鉴定会,并与鉴定委员会成员合影(前排左二陆焕文,左四张赛珍,二排左一倪大来)。