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Found the factory and absorb all parts of the country produce with a batch of high quality staff famous zither accomplished performers for the technical adviser by team quintessence technology constantly one over the past over years, It adopts high qualit

Found in Spain, Portugal, along the coastal areas of Italy, Balkan Peninsula, India, Northern Europe, and America. 分布于西班牙﹐葡萄牙﹐义大利沿海地区﹐巴尔干半岛﹐印度﹐北欧及美国。
Found in every cell, it is responsible for the release of energy to power metabolic reactions and active transport. 它在所有细胞中都存在,为体内代谢反应和物质的主动运输提供能量。
Found in rural areas across Europe, Russia, and America; a Dark Creature (classified as a demon) resembling a piglet, but stunted with narrow black eyes, a thick stubby tail, and long legs. 出现在欧洲、俄罗斯和美国乡村地区;是一种长得像小猪的黑魔法生物(归类为恶魔),但是发育不良,有眯缝的黑眼睛,粗短的尾巴,长长的腿。
Found in section seven of the Lab Manual, this brief set of experiments will introduce you to some of the realities and excitement of performing original research. 在实验指南的第七部份中,这些简短的实验的将会介绍给你一些实际的创新研究并示其刺激性。
Found in the savannas of Africa and India, the baobab is a godsend to locals who use nearly every part of the tree for food, medicine, and even shelter. 猴面包树在非洲和印度的热带稀树草原上都有发现,对于当地土著来说,它是天赐之物,他们充分利用它的每一部分,用来作食物、药品,甚至作掩蔽处。
Found the factory and absorb all parts of the country produce with a batch of high quality staff famous zither accomplished performers for the technical adviser by team quintessence technology constantly one over the past over years, It adopts high qualit 建厂十余年来不断吸收全国各地制作工艺精华拥有一批高素质的员工队伍聘请著名古筝演奏家为技术顾问,采用优质木材,以精湛的制作技艺组织生产,促进高档次、高品质、高技术含量的发展。
Found the gadget surprisingly useful; found the book entertaining. 发觉这个妙计非常有用;认为这本书很有趣
Found themselves in a bind when their car broke down. 当车坏了后,他们不知该如何解决
Foundalis, H. Evolution of gender in Indo-European languages.Proceedings of the 24th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2002. 印欧语性别的进化〉。《认知科学学会第二十四届年会会议公报》(2002)。
Foundation and development in our country of supplementary pension will have a far-reaching impact on capital market. 企业年金在我国的建立和发展,也将对我国的资本市场产生深远的影响。
Foundation item:High technology and new material sustentation fund of China Bureau of National Non-ferric Metal Industry. 基金项目:中国有色金属局新材料高技术项目.

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