英文: In communications, to transmit data that arrive at the receiving end in an unintelligible jumble of characters, usually because of equipment malfunction or line noise.
中文: 在通信技术中,通常由于设备故障或线路噪声,使在接收端得到的数据成为无法理解的一堆字符的数据传输失误。
英文: It has missed this round of consolidation; it could conceivably find itself on the receiving end of the next one.
中文: 该事件使合并之争销声匿迹;但可以确信下一次(合并之争)将会重蹈覆辙。
英文: KPMG's Canadian arm found itself on the receiving end of a class-action lawsuit, claiming that the firm did not properly compensate employees for their overtime work or denied them overtime compensation altogether.
中文: 近日,毕马威的加拿大分所受到了共同诉讼的指控,指控的罪名是该事务所未对超时工作的员工给与恰当的补偿,或根本未给与补偿。
英文: Kuwait was also on the receiving end of immeasurable assistance when several countries joined the U.S. to drive invading Iraq out of Kuwait.
中文: 况且当一些国家加入美国把入侵科威特的伊拉克军队逐出时,科威特本身曾经受到极大的援助。
英文: Most executives obliged but their generosity came at a price: analysts on the receiving end of executives' favours were less likely to downgrade a company as a result of poor earnings or a risky acquisition.
中文: 多数首席执行官会答应这些请求,但这种慷慨的价码很高:如果公司业绩逊色,或进行了一宗风险较高的并购交易,接受帮忙的分析师将不太可能调降该公司的评级。