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rural credit cooperatives


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英文: Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the monitoring and evaluation of non-performing assets of rural credit cooperatives by China Banking Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CBRC) and its dispatched institutions at all levels.

中文: 第一条为加强农村信用社持续、审慎、有效监管,促进农村信用社完善内控制度,提高资产质量,防范风险,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》和有关法律、行政法规,结合农村信用社监管实际,制定本办法。        更详细...
英文: Based on the historical perspective, this paper analyses the evolution of rural credit cooperatives system and the deep-seated problems in China's rural credit cooperatives reform for a long time, and then comparative analyses the current organization sys

中文: 摘要本文从历史的角度分析了作为我国农村金融主体的农村信用社的制度演进过程,并在此基础上剖析了长期以来我国农村信用社改革的深层次问题,将合作制、股份制和股份合作制等农村信用社产权形式及当前银行组织制度进行了比较分析,提出了我国农村信用社改革的模式。        更详细...
英文: However, the bank said on its website that the current required reserves for rural credit cooperatives (including rural cooperative banks) will remain unchanged.

中文: 然而,央行在其网站表示农村信用合作社(包括农村信用合作银行)的存款准备金率维持当前水平不变。        更详细...
英文: The expansion of state banking operation into the rural areas and the development of mordern financial organizations like rural credit cooperatives reduced, in a degree, the room for private financing, but did not eliminate altogether.

中文: 国家银行业务在农村的延伸和农村信用社的发展在一定程度上压缩了私人借贷的空间,但不能完全替代私人借贷。        更详细...
英文: We will make full use of the major role of the Agriculture Bank of China and the Agricultural Development Bank of China as the backbone of rural banking, continue to deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives and strengthen the role of the China Postal Sa

中文: 充分发挥中国农业银行、中国农业发展银行在农村金融中的骨干和支柱作用,继续深化农村信用社改革,增强中国邮政储蓄银行为“三农”服务的功能。        更详细...

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