英文: 2 Writing in the Annals of Applied Statistics, the researchers urged a reexamination of bullet fragments from the 1963 shooting in Dallas to confirm the number of bullets that struck Kennedy.
中文: 根据统计学编年史记载,研究者们希望对1963年肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺时的子弹碎片重做检验来确定袭击他的子弹数量。
英文: 3 Athlete's registration number is to be prominently displayed and to be visible at all times while shooting is in progress.
中文: 3选手之注册号码牌必须配戴在明显处,比赛时须显而易见。
英文: 3 If three or four athletes shoot simultaneously, the position on the shooting line will be by mutual agreement.
中文: 3若三位或四位选手同时发射,在发射线上之位置得由协议确定。
英文: 4 Except for persons who are disabled, athletes will shoot from a standing position and without support, with one foot on each side of the shooting line or with both feet on the shooting line.
中文: 4除了残障人士以外,选手应采无依托之立姿,两脚分别站在发射线之两边,或两脚都站在发射线上发射。
英文: 4 Legged Love has started shooting though as the main lead, He Jun Xiang need to get into the role quite soon having some romance with Johnny Yan s ex girlfriend Liu Kou Ying .
中文: 不过,「四只脚的爱情」已经开拍,身为男主角的贺军翔,很快就要投入演出,和颜行书前女友刘莹谈情说爱。