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2 Writing in the Annals of Applied Statistics, the researchers urged a reexamination of bullet fragments from the 1963 shooting in Dallas to confirm the number of bullets that struck Kennedy.

2 Who would have thought that Mary, of all people, would run off the rails? She seemed to be the perfect faithful wife. 就所有的人来说,谁会想到玛丽竟会有越轨的事?她看起来像个极其忠诚的妻子。
2 Why aren't the sizes of the standard types precisely defined? 为什麽标准资料型态的大小没有没精确的定义好?
2 Why do I get device is busy when unmounting a CD-ROM? 为何我要卸下光碟时,却得到设备正忙碌讯息?
2 Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed? 为什么女士染睫毛膏时一定要张着嘴?
2 Will we be able to prime grenades without having to throw them on the ground first? 我能不先将手雷扔到地上再捡起来丢吗?
2 Writing in the Annals of Applied Statistics, the researchers urged a reexamination of bullet fragments from the 1963 shooting in Dallas to confirm the number of bullets that struck Kennedy. 根据统计学编年史记载,研究者们希望对1963年肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺时的子弹碎片重做检验来确定袭击他的子弹数量。
2 Ye HY, Yu MH, You L, et al. Effects of Astragalus polysaccharides on metabolism and cardiac function in STZdiabetic rats. Shanghai Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2000; 27(5): 357358. Chinese. 叶红英,俞茂华,游利,等。黄芪多糖对STZ糖尿病大鼠物质代谢和心功能的影响。上海医科大学学报。2000;27(5):357358.
2 You can get in or drop out the seminar at anytime within the two hours. 2在规定的时间内,可随时加入或退出座谈。
2 You may have to spend hours to drive from one point to another. 要开车从一个地方到另一个地方,你也许得花上很长的时间.
2 You(P) lust, and don't have. You(P) kill, covet, and can't obtain. You(P) fight and make war. You(P) don't have, because you(P) don't ask. 2你们贪恋,还是得不著;你们杀害嫉妒,又斗殴争战,也不能得。你们得不著,是因为你们不求。
2 Your credentials as a friend and supporter of those of our brethren fighting against alien domination for freedom and independence need no further elaboration. 对于那些为反抗外来统治,为自由和独立而斗争的兄弟们来说,你作为他们的朋友和支持者的资格是毋庸赘言的。

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