英文: Being to accept applications from this very day. Fill the application form and specifically with official seal . Fax or send the application form by registered mail to the organizing committee.
中文: 从即日起开始报名,参展厂商填写参展申请表,加盖公章后,用挂号信寄(或传真)到组委会。
英文: Exhibitors should fill out the Exhibition Application Form and stamp the official seal before faxing or mailing it to the organizing committee.
中文: 参展单位需详细填写《参展回执表》并加盖单位公章,传真或邮寄至组委会。
英文: Fill in the application form with the official seal and send it back by fax to the organizing committee. Booths are available by the following steps:“applying-paying-selecting”.
中文: 填好《参展回执表》,加盖公司印章后传真至组委会,展位按照“先报名,先付款,先挑选”的原则安排。
英文: L: Our Certificates are made valid through the official seal and personal chop of the Commissioner.
中文: 李:我们证明书是以盖公章和局长私人章方为有效。
英文: Our certificates are made alid by means of the official seal and personal chop of the commissioner.
中文: 我们的证明书以盖公章和局长签字为有效。