英文: A writer of Russian said, “Covering up my eyes, bowing the head and holding my tongue, I did nothing.
中文: 记得俄国作家恰达耶夫曾经说过:“我没有学会蒙着眼、低着头、闭着嘴爱自己的祖国。
英文: Additionally it includes composing poems and songs in Mary's honor, painting icons or carving statues representing her, bowing or kneeling before such images as a token of respect to the one portrayed by them, and conferring titles on Mary that reflect he
中文: 加上它又包括赞美玛丽亚的诗和歌,绘画或者代表她的雕刻品,在这样一个肖像面前鞠躬或者跪下,作为她在圣徒中间的尊贵位置的一种标记。
英文: After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.
中文: 他从政三十年之後,终於决定退出政坛。
英文: “Madame, I doubt my abilities before such an audience,” he said, bowing with a smile.
中文: 我的确担心在这样的听众面前会拿不出讲话的本领来,他说道,低下头来,嘴角上露出微笑。
英文: “while no lay audience discusses the bowing arm or stroke of the violinist or the palette or brush technique of the painter, or the tension which may create a poor entre-chat, they will all be willing to give formulas to the actor.
中文: “从来没有一个外行的观众会讨论小提琴家拉弓和拨弦的技巧,或是画家调色和运笔的技术,也没有人担心小提琴家肌肉太紧张时,会制造‘杀鸡’的噪音。”