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Additionally it includes composing poems and songs in Mary's honor, painting icons or carving statues representing her, bowing or kneeling before such images as a token of respect to the one portrayed by them, and conferring titles on Mary that reflect he

Additional transfer included the Alaska, Bonneville, Southeastern, and Southwestern power marketing administrations from the Interior Department and the Navy oil reserves and oil shale reserves from the Department of Defense. 另外,还包括从内政部转移来的阿拉斯加、波尼维尔、东南和西南地区电力市场管理局,以及从国防部转来的海军石油储备局和石油页岩储备局。
Additional twists in the story emerged late Tuesday in a Florida news conference,by the former lawmaker's attorney,David Roth who confirmed, Foley is, homosexually, and suffered from sexuall abuse as a teenager. 周二晚些时候事情出现了一些变化,在佛罗里达的一个新闻会上,前立法者的律师,大卫罗特确认,福利是一个同性恋者,并且他小时候就遭受过性虐待。
Additional vents normally appear on the sidepods to better dissipate the hot air coming from the radiators. 一般会在侧箱上增加通风口,以便更好地散除来自于散热器上的热空气。
Additionally builds the solid state rate schedule sensor, long-time stable movement. 增设固态行程感应器,长久稳定运行。
Additionally if you are subject to a brutal murder, indeed you also caused a brutal murder in a prior incarnation to the perpetrator, the cause and seeming effect being delayed between incarnations. 加之,如果你受到一场残忍的凶杀,你也的确使更早化身里的凶杀犯罪者的体验发生,因和表面的果在两个化身间延迟了。
Additionally it includes composing poems and songs in Mary's honor, painting icons or carving statues representing her, bowing or kneeling before such images as a token of respect to the one portrayed by them, and conferring titles on Mary that reflect he 加上它又包括赞美玛丽亚的诗和歌,绘画或者代表她的雕刻品,在这样一个肖像面前鞠躬或者跪下,作为她在圣徒中间的尊贵位置的一种标记。
Additionally the extract contains substances, which act against cramps. 这种提取物还含有抑制月经痛的物质。
Additionally the quality of requirements elicitation decides the correctness of customer‘s feedback on completeness and validity of requirements. 此外,需求捕获过程的质量也将决定客户对需求的完整性、正确性的认可。
Additionally there are ground-to-air, ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, etc. 另外,还有地对空导弹、地对地导弹、空对地导弹、空对空导弹等。
Additionally traditional media marketing is likely to stir up a gust of furious competition, while database marketing is much under cover and plays an upper hand in snatching a considerable market share. 运用数据库营销,无需借助大众传媒,比较隐秘,一般不会引起竞争对手的注意,容易达到预期的促销效果。
Additionally you also receive on the offers on Transceiver, Mode and Conversion or on Conversion. 请您针对操作人员、话务员、减少、降低和切削点、切割点等其它商务范畴拨打垂询电话+86(10)51866088,62。

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