*[ru:t];n. 路径, 途径, 路线;vt. 确定路线, 按规定路线发送;
*[ru:t]\nn. 路径, 途径, 路线\nvt. 确定路线, 按规定路线发送\n【计】 传递, 路由设定程序\n【经】 航线, 路线, 安排...的程序\n相关词组:\n en route
英文: 1 In accordance with Article 4.10 below, in the event of a fall or the IFSC Judge instructing a competitor to stop climbing, the furthest hold held or touched in the line of the route shall determine the competitor's result.
中文: 依据以下第4.10条,在坠落或IFSC裁判员指示停止攀登时,在路线轴线上握住或触摸到的最高岩点予以测量。
英文: 1 In accordance with the General Rules, competitors (as a group) shall be permitted to observe the on-sight route they are required to attempt.
中文: 依据通则,应允许选手集体观察即将攀登之现场攀登路线。
英文: 5 A route shall be considered successfully completed if it has been climbed in accordance with the existing rules and if the rope has been clipped from a legitimate position into the karabiner on the final quickdraw.
中文: 当攀登符合先锋比赛之规则与规定,且自正当位置将绳索确实地扣入最后快扣组之钩环内,应视为路线完攀。
英文: A British Airways 777 en route to Tel Aviv diverted to Larnaca, Cyprus as a precaution.
中文: 事发后出于安全考虑,一架正飞往特拉维夫的英国航空公司波音777客机改道飞向塞埔路斯的拉那卡。
英文: [Article 9] Inbound means of transport pending declaration to the Customs after entering the territory and outbound means of transport pending to leave the territory after being cleared by the Customs shall both move along the route specified by the compe
中文: 第九条进境运输工具在进境以后向海关申报以前,出境运输工具在办结海关手续以后出境以前,应当按照交通主管机关规定的路线行进;交通主管机关没有规定的,由海关指定。