英文: A small portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots long dismissed as a later copy and gathering dust in a gallery warehouse has been identified as a rare contemporary or near-contemporary image of the ill-fated monarch.
中文: 一幅长期被当作出自后代的赝品,而遭閒置在画廊仓库惹尘埃的苏格兰女王玛丽的小画像,已被鑑定出是这位命运多舛的女君主同时期或接近同时期的画像。
英文: After years of fierce lobbying and months of secrecy, Beijing unveiled five mascots for the 2008 Olympics on Friday, opening a marketing blitz that is expected to reap record profits.
中文: 在经过了几年激烈的选拔和几个月的保密工作后,北京周五终于揭开了2008年奥运会五个吉祥物的神秘面纱,纪念品迅速抢占了市场,期待创造收益新高。
英文: Another of Wembley's most memorable moments came when Paul Gascoigne scored his wonder goal against the Scots at Euro '96.
中文: 温布利另一个值得铭记的时刻是1996年欧洲杯,加斯科因在对苏格兰的比赛中打进了梦幻般的一粒进球。
英文: At Karneval, anything goes. Including this impromptuperformanceby a group of Scots on Thursday.
中文: 科隆狂欢节上什么事情都可能发生。这群装扮成苏格兰人的狂欢节参与者就在即兴表演。
英文: Audiences will swim, fly, and flutter to truly experience Ocean Park from a whole new perspective as the mascots come alive on the giant screen for the first time.
中文: 观众将会经历游泳,并可以展翅高飞,当海狮逼真地出现在大屏幕时,观众可以从另一个新的视觉来参观海洋公园。