英文: By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.
中文: 箴8:15帝王藉我坐国位.君王藉我定公平。
英文: No one of the rulers or Pharisees has believed in Him, has he?
中文: 约7:48官长或是法利赛人、岂有信他的呢。
英文: Original Significance about The Scripture of Ethicsput forward definite demands about morality for rulers and discussed such aspects, comprehensively, as the importance of accomplishment about emperors' morality, the love of the masses, ruling justly, mod
中文: 摘要《道德经原旨》对治人者的道德修养提出了明确的要求,从帝德修养的重要性、爱民之心、执政为公、不骄不争、谦虚逊让、以柔制刚、诚信待人、言行稳重、知人善任、崇俭知足、正己正人等方面作了全面论述。
英文: 20[bbe] And how the chief priests and our rulers gave him up to be put to death on the cross.
中文: 祭司长和我们的官府,竟把他解去定了死罪,钉在十字架上。
英文: An analysis of the domination mode of Ptolemaic Dynasty indicates that Greek rulers inherited the constitutional automatic monarchy of Pharaoh Egypt camouflaged with Greek city-state democratic autonomy.
中文: 因此,希腊统治者最大化地继承了埃及法老的专制主义君主制传统,只是适当地以希腊城邦式的民主自治为装饰。