英文: Angkor's total construction area is about 24 km in length,8 km in width,which was built in Khmer Angkor Dynasty's heyday as the enduring legacy of religious architecture.
中文: 吴哥窟总建筑群占地24公里长,宽8公里,是高棉吴哥王朝全盛时期所遗留下来的不朽宗教建筑;全城雕刻之精美有「雕刻出来的王城」美誉。
英文: As the car assumes its open-top role, the quality of craftsmanship and premium materials is clearly evident, highlighted by well-executed design touches inspired by the heyday of the Italian sports car.
中文: 车顶完全开启后,制造者高超的工艺,使用的优质材料,淋漓尽致地展现在人们面前,充分体现出意大利跑车鼎盛时期设计者们的艺术灵感。
英文: During the heyday of Egypt the sign of Taurus, the Bull, was in the commanding position.
中文: 在埃及的全盛期,金牛宫处于统治地位。
英文: He also noted that during the last great heyday of art and technology, the period in the late 1960s/early 1970s, for example the EAT movement, most of the collaborations were between artists and engineers, the “diagonals.
中文: 他也说起之前艺术和技术的那段全盛时期,即20世纪60年代末到20世纪70年代初的这段时间,例如EAT运动,几乎绝大部分合作作品都是由艺术家和工程师联手创作的,即矩阵上的“对角线”。
英文: He was a racing nut, but he failed to understand that the heyday of racing had already passed.
中文: 他是一个赛车狂,但不了解赛车的全盛时期已一去不复返了。