英文: All of them are relevant for the private sector in today's inter-dependent global economy.
中文: 所有的目标都与今天相互依存的全球经济中的私营领域有关。
英文: Artistic projects should be developed by the private sector for profit.
中文: 艺术项目应该由为了利润的私人团体去发展。
英文: As to comparing service satisfaction between public and private sectors, the results are inconclusive; some studies showed that the private sector services are more satistying; others found that the performance of public sector is no worse than their coun
中文: 至于公私部门满意度的比较,国外研究则呈现不确定的结果:有些研究发现私部门表现较好,而有些研究则发现公部门表现不比私部门差。
英文: As you know, private sector bribery has long been an issue of concern for ICC.
中文: 诚如你所知,因私贿赂是国际商会长期以来关注的话题。
英文: But experts warn that the huge liquidity in the region masks unease in the private sector about committing to long-term projects that could alleviate an average 15 per cent rate of unemployment.
中文: 但专家们警告说,中东地区目前巨大的资金流量,掩盖着私营部门不愿投资长期项目的心态,而这意味着平均高达15%的失业率难以降低。