英文: I always ask for a show of hands of those who did not see the gorilla during the first viewing.
中文: 播放一次后,我一定会请没看到大猩猩的人举手。
英文: On back to school night in October the teacher asked for a show of hands of families who would be willing to read twenty minutes a day to their youngsters, as regularly as they brushed their teeth.
中文: 十月份新学期开始,一天晚上开家长会,老师问,有没有家长愿意每天给孩子读二十分钟书,像必须刷牙一样坚持。
英文: Questions arising at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a majority on a show of hands and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
中文: 在理事会会议中产生的问题可通过举手表决来决定如何处理,如支持与反对票相同,则由会议主持人再次投票或投决定票。
英文: Vote by show of hands no longer exists in People's Congress.
中文: 人民代表大会已不采用举手表决。
英文: Votes may be given on a poll either personally or by proxy. On a show of hands an Executive Committee Member present only by proxy shall have no vote.
中文: 投票表决可由本人投票或其代表代为投票。在进行举手表决时不能由其代表代为举手表决。