英文: Along with the expanding of the Dama Chan, someone appeared to realize the Dao by the direct explanation of Dama Chan, the nature of Confucianists' Culture was nothing but a vivacious and unrestrained ultruism.
中文: 历史再发展到唐宋,由达摩而来的禅宗一心法的弘扬,才使得中国读儒书之人借禅宗得以豁然顿悟「孔孟之道」,历史发展至此,由孟子失传的道统才有人借禅宗得以亲证,儒家文化才得以从根本上弘扬。
英文: During which event do Lee Adama and Kara Thrace revisit a secret experience that they shared on New Caprica?
中文: 在哪个事件中,李·阿达玛和卡拉·瑟瑞斯重新回顾了他们在新卡不利卡的神秘经历?
英文: If Adm. Adama orders his crew to get the birds in the air,what does he actually want them to do?
中文: 如果阿达玛上将要求他的船员“把小鸟飞上天”,他实际上是想要他们干么?
英文: If Admiral Adama needs to ferry an important dignitary to the Galactica, which type of small ship will he probably assign to the job?
中文: 如果阿达玛上将需要接一位重要人物来卡拉狄加,他可能指派哪种类型的小型船舶执行任务?
英文: In the miniseries, after Roslin bluntly tells Adama that the war is already lost, what does she say that humanity must do instead of engaging in a suicidal fight?
中文: 在迷你剧里,在罗斯林很率直地告诉阿达玛战争早已经结束地时候,她建议人类必须如何做而不是参加一场自杀性地战争?