英文: 1966 The world′s first major tidal power station, at the Rance estuary in the Golfe de St Malo in Brittany, was opened by President de Gaulle.
中文: 坐落在法国布列塔尼半岛圣马洛湾朗斯河口处的世界上第一座大型潮汐发电站建成,戴高乐总统出席竣工仪式。
英文: Moreover, they are completely reliable, since tidal power comes from the constant pull of the Moon which tugs the tide up or down every 12 hours.
中文: 此外,它们是完全可靠的,因为潮汐能来自月球恒定的引力,月球每12小时吸引潮水涨或落一次。
英文: Tidal power generators have little or no visual impact, they are silent, environmentally benign and will not harm marine life.
中文: 潮汐发电机对环境几乎没有或是察觉不到有什么影响,它们是静默的并有益于环保,且不会伤害海洋生物。