英文: Coming to you live from the picturesque Neander Valley just outside Düsseldorf: an interviewer asks the 35,000-year-old Neanderthal Man to justify the fact that his mere endurance is his sole claim to fame.
中文: 一个3万5千岁的尼安德特人从杜塞尔多夫城外的美丽的尼安德山谷来到现代社会,一个访问者要求他证实他之所以能活这么久,仅仅是因为他渴望成名。
英文: Nevertheless Neanderthal man is thought to be man's closest relative.
中文: 然而尼安德特人被认为是人类亲缘关系最近的物种。
英文: The extinction of Neanderthal man has been attributed variously to his having lower intelligence than modern humans, to worse language skills, to cruder tools, or even to the lack of a propensity for long-distance trade.
中文: 结果众说纷纭:有人认为他们不如现代人聪明,也有人认为他们的语言技能不如现代人完善[译注1]或是工具不如现代人先进,甚至有人认为是因为他们不会跨地区贸易[译注2]。
英文: The latest proposal, though, is that it is not so much Neanderthal man that was to blame, as modern woman.
中文: 不过最新的意见认为:尼人并不该对自己的灭亡负有太多责任,肇事者其实是女性现代人。