英文: In the course of its development, an integrative-aggregative tension appeared.
中文: 在教育政治学发展的过程中,出现了两种张力:整合的张力和多元的张力。
英文: It was shown that in most cases P. euphratica appeared to have an aggregative distribution at different distances away from the river but it tended to be diffusive, appearing to have an random distribution; In the two cross sections, P. euphratica tended
中文: 结果表明:胡杨在不同离河距离大都表现为聚集分布,在离河最远的地方有扩散趋势,呈随机分布;不同离河距离的两断面均表现出随离河距离加大胡杨格局规模加大、聚集强度加强的趋势,同一离河距离喀尔达依断面比英苏断面胡杨格局规模小,这主要是地下水条件和当地地形不同所致。
英文: Metal nanoparticles exhibit unique thermal, electronic, magnetic and optical properties because of the small sizes, large specific surface characteristics and the aggregative trend.
中文: 摘要金属纳米粒子由于其小的尺寸和大的比表面积等特点,使其具有独特的热性能、电性能、磁性能和光性能,以及很强的团聚趋势。
英文: Methods Tests of PT、APTT、BPC、PAdT、PAgT、PF 、ATⅢ:Ag、VWF:Ag、D dimer and P were detected in the patients and the control group with aggregative method and rocked immuno electrophoresis.
中文: 方法 用凝集法和电泳法等分别检测病人和对照组的PT、APTT、BPC、PAdT、PAgT、PF、ATⅢ :Ag、VWF :Ag、FDP、血浆D 二聚体和 P实验。