英文: Among the ten steps to successful breastfeeding advocated by the WHO and UNICEF, steps six and nine clearly state that formula supplementation and pacifier use, except when medically necessary, should be avoided.
中文: 摘要WHO/UNICEF所提倡的成功哺喂母乳十步骤,其中步骤六及步骤九明确的陈述非医疗需要应避免配方奶的添加以及人工奶嘴的使用。
英文: But pacifier use showed benefits no matter the baby's age, how it slept and even if its mother smoked during or after pregnancy, according to the research, published online by the British Medical Journal.
中文: 但是英国医学杂志在网上发表,无论婴儿的年龄多大,无论他是怎样睡觉和即使他的母亲在怀孕之前或者期间吸烟,根据研究表明,使用橡皮奶头有好处。
英文: Give no artificial teat or pacifier to your breastfeeding baby.
中文: 请勿给予正接受母乳哺饲之婴儿使用奶咀或其他同类物品。
英文: Parents often wonder about what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. Dental experts generally agree this is fine early in life.
中文: 父母经常会问吸允手指和奶嘴会给孩子的牙齿造成什么影响?牙科专家普遍认为,这在婴儿早期是没问题的。