英文: A presentiment of the future; a foreboding.
中文: 对未来的不祥预感;预兆
英文: A stronger trend to economic releases helped sentiment as they suggested a more robust outlook for the economy, without being strong enough to rekindle fears that the Federal Reserve could increase interest rates in the New Year.
中文: 经济数据转强的趋势提升了市场情绪,因为这意味着经济前景变得强劲,不过还没强到让市场担心美联储可能在2007年加息的地步。
英文: All his opinion of expressing natural instincts, his sentiment of lotus flower out from waterin his poem and his style of combining false and true has impacted deeply on Chinese poets after him.
中文: 他的抒写性灵的诗歌主张、诗中表现的“出水芙蓉”一般自然清新的审美情趣、虚实结合的写作风格对后世都産生了深远的影响。
英文: Although your hairs have become gray, your softness and sentiment are still in my mind.
中文: 虽然你已见白发,但你的似水柔情依然在我心中。
英文: And there is often as much sentiment as sense.
中文: 感性通常是伴随著理性的。