英文: Screen coordinates are expressed in number of pixels, while coordinates in the frustum are normalized to a range of -1.0 to 1.0.
中文: 视图锥截体的原点(0,0)在屏幕中心,而屏幕坐标的则在屏幕的左上角。
英文: Since we defined the frustum, we know the angle at which the sides of the frustum meet - this is the field of view we used to create the projection matrix in the first place.
中文: 确定好锥截体,我们就知道锥截体顶角的大小—这是我们在第一个地方用来创建投影矩阵的视场。
英文: Since we have split the frustum into two halves, each triangle has an angle at the origin of view equal to FOV/2.
中文: 因为将锥截体分成相等两部分,每个三角形在原视图中都有一个角等于FOV/2。
英文: The viewing frustum has an origin (0,0) at the center of the screen, while screen coordinates have an origin at the upper left of the screen.
中文: 视图锥截体的原点(0,0)在屏幕中心,而屏幕坐标的则在屏幕的左上角。