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drawing room

客厅, 休息室\n【化】 绘图室

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英文: In the corner of meal \ drawing room , find that a young girl is drinking coffee alone, there are three seats by that girl , think who she may be waiting for?

中文: 在餐\厅的一角,妳发现有个年轻女孩正一个人喝着咖啡,那个女孩的旁边有三个座位,妳认为她可能在等谁?        更详细...
英文: Jonah walks into the drawing room from behind the door with the phone in his hand.

中文: (乔纳拿着电话,从门后走出来,来到画室。)        更详细...
英文: Napoleon called the square the “finest drawing room in Europe.” Tourists have been going there for centuries to visit its celebrated café and get a taste of the party atmosphere.

中文: 几个世纪来,游客们纷沓而至,领略此地著名的咖啡馆并感受欢乐的聚会气氛。        更详细...
英文: The berth and expenses standard are: The apartment of drawing room one, room one, a double bed, a single bed, the number is 2 that the standard gets accommodation, 120 yuan every day in dull season; About 170 yuan every day in travelling season; During pe

中文: 床位及收费标准是:一室一厅的套房,有一个双人床、一个单人床,标准住宿人数是2人,淡季每天120元;旅游季节每天170元左右;在旅游旺季、重要节日、重大节日期间,每天收费标准在200左右元之间。        更详细...
英文: The company has been established for many years , introduced the professional furniture production equipment with world level successively , Have large-scale product show drawing room 2000 more than now, staff 300 more than, produce and cover an area of 1

中文: 公司自成立多年以来,先后引进了具有国际水平的专业家具生产设备,现拥有大型产品展示厅2000多平方米,员工300多名,生产及占地面积13000多平方米,公司专业生产及主推产品包括:实木大班台、文件柜、职员台、办公屏风、转椅、大班椅、沙发、学生家具、实验台、卫浴、高间隔等系列。        更详细...

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