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land requisition

【法】 土地征用

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英文: Abstract:China's existing land requisition system is severely flawed.

中文: 中国土地征用制度改革涉及到许多复杂的问题。        更详细...
英文: In order to establish scientific and reasonable system of land requisition, it is essential to define the scope of public interest in land requisition strictly and correctly, perfect the procedure of land requisition and establish and improve equitable co

中文: 要建构我国科学合理的土地征用制度,就必须严格准确地界定土地征用的公共利益范围,完善土地征用的程序和建立健全公平的补偿机制。        更详细...
英文: In various places, there has appeared brutal and illegal deprivation of citizens' personal property in terms of land requisition as well as building demolition and removal, which is the most brutal means of power capitalization and power contract.

中文: 在很多地方,出现了野蛮非法的征用土地和推倒建筑物和强行搬迁,侵犯了公民的私有财产,这些都是最野蛮的以权谋私。        更详细...
英文: It has caused substantial abuse of local government power on land requisition and has been very inefficient in the protection of the economic benefits of farmers whose land is taken.

中文: 对于相关问题的深入探讨,无疑将促进中国土地征用制度的系统性改革的顺利进行。        更详细...
英文: Labor and social security administrative departments shall collect from land requisition units a certain proportion of land requisition administration fees according to the total settlement expenditure for personnel with land requisitioned, which shall be

中文: 劳动和社会保障行政部门向征用地单位按照被征地人员安置总费用收取一定比例的征地管理费,主要用于被征地人员落实就业和保障的办公、业务培训、宣传教育、设备购置等必需的支出,补充落实就业和保障过程中处理特殊情况以及历史遗留问题所发生的费用支出。        更详细...

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