英文: Although the reform of the general supermarkets was given up halfway due to the bubble economy, now it has been recovered for its revival.
中文: 但是,泡沫经济使得综合超市的改革半途而废,今天,综合超市又重新举起改革的旗帜,勾划自身的复兴大计。
英文: An unexpected stoppage of water supply sparked rumors of a contaminated river and led to a run on city supermarkets storing bottled water yesterday.
中文: 昨天,哈尔滨市突然停止供应自来水,这一举措激起了有关松花江水质污染的谣传,城市超市纷纷开始储备桶装水。
英文: Based on the design idea of fire-protection evacuation of Code of Fire Protection of Civil Defense Works, fire-protection evacuation is brought forward in the supermarkets and a sample is introduced.
中文: 借鉴了《人民防空工程设计防火规范》中的避难走道的设计思想,提出了超市建筑防火疏散设计避难通道的设计理念,并举例说明。
英文: Bookshops and supermarkets know that if they can get just 0.6 per cent of first week sales of Harry Potter, it is equivalent to having a monopoly on John Grisham.
中文: 各家书店和超市都明白,只要他们能拿到《哈利·波特》新书发行首周销量的0.6%,就和取得约翰·葛里逊小说的独家发行权差不多了。
英文: Come summertime, American supermarkets stock their shelves with tanning lotions and creams either to help the sun bronze your skin or to change the color immediately by chemical means.
中文: 夏天到来的时候,美国超市的货架上放满了美“黑”霜、美“黑”油,这些产品要么是有助于阳光将你的皮肤变成古铜色,要么是借助化学反应使你的皮肤立刻改变颜色。