英文: Fulla has dark hair, brown eyes and a small chest, and wears a white headscarf and a coat.
中文: 芙拉娃娃黑发,棕色的眼睛,身材并不凹凸,头戴头巾身披长袍。
英文: If political Islam can blunt American triumphalism, then so much the better—even from the viewpoint of those who would never dream of donning a headscarf or upsetting a sexual minority.
中文: 如果政治伊斯兰⑷可以给耀武扬威的美国浇上一盆冷水,那再好不过了——这样的想法甚至来自那些非伊斯兰信徒,他们从未披长袍戴面纱,也不曾骚扰性少数⑸者。
英文: Practical gals wore their hair tied up in a roll and covered with a headscarf tied in a knot at the front.
中文: 讲求实际的女孩们将头发卷成卷,用头巾打结,固定在前额。
英文: She was able to take part in Athens because shooting is one of the few events that allows Muslim women to wear the obligatory headscarf and long coat, thus respecting the cultural and religious values of the Iranian authorities.
中文: 她之所以能参加雅典奥运会是因为射击是少数几个允许穆斯林妇女带头巾,穿长衫的运动项目之一,这关系到伊朗的文化和宗教信仰。
英文: The bags feature a cartoon of an open-mouthed Arafat in khaki military dress and his trademark black-and-white checkered headscarf against the backdrop of a Palestinian flag.
中文: 这种小食品的包装袋的独特之处就是上面的这位卡通阿拉法特。只见在巴勒斯坦旗帜背景下,阿拉法特身穿卡其布军装,头戴标志性的黑白方格头帕,张开着嘴,似乎在向人们说着些什么。