英文: But I am struck by this : most of the people who find this book difficult are the better educated, notably in the psychoanalytic field.
中文: 但是我对于这现象却深感不解:认为这本书晦涩难懂的是知识水平较高的人,特别是在精神分析领域的人。
英文: From the classics psychoanalytic to postmodernism psychotherapy, every psychotherapy pattern contains a unique psychological metaphor.
中文: 摘要从经典精神分析到后现代主义心理治疗,每一个心理治疗模式都蕴涵着一个独特的心理隐喻。
英文: He held important positions in the psychoanalytic movement and was widely thought of as the most likely successor to the inventor of psychoanalysis.
中文: 他在精神分析时代潮流里面占有重要位置,被广泛地认为是心理分析发明者的最有可能继承人。
英文: However, an interesting problem emerges here for a Freudian: what if we accept the psychoanalytic premises of the split subject?
中文: 可是,对于佛洛伊德,一个有趣的问题出现了:万一精神分析学的假设人是精神分裂的主体为真,那会怎麽样?
英文: I think many people have a very difficult time understanding psychoanalytic theory because it is a way of thinking which is radically different than our everyday way of talking about ourselves.
中文: 我想,许多人在理解精神分析理论时,都会有一段难以理解的时期,因为它是一种与我们日常谈论自己的方式完全不同的思考方式。