英文: Chu Suiliang, a famous calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, inscribed the two texts on the stone tablets on both sides of the south gate to the ground floor of the pagoda.
中文: 这两篇文章由唐代大书法家褚遂良书写后刻成碑文,至今仍镶嵌在大雁塔底层南门两侧。
英文: Currently she is member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, adjunct professor of the Training Center of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, director of Sichuan Calligrapher's Association and professional calligrapher of Sichuan Calligrapher's Associati
中文: 现为中国书法家协会会员,中国书协书法培训中心副教授,四川省书法家协会理事,四川省书协专业书法家。
英文: Li Duo, is a famous calligrapher who was born in Liling city, Hunan province in 1930.
中文: 李铎,著名书法家,一九三0年生,湖南醴陵人。
英文: Master Au is also a superb calligrapher and a poet.
中文: 欧大师还是一位杰出的书法家和诗人。
英文: Qi Gong,Manchu,is the contemporary celebrated calligrapher who was born in Beijing in 1912.
中文: 启功,当代著名书法家,满族,一九一二年生于北京。