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political system

【法】 政治体系, 政治制度

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英文: After World War Ⅱ, India established a political system characterized by parliamentary democracy.

中文: 摘要二战结束后,印度建立了议会民主的政治体制。        更详细...
英文: And so the notion that the Chinese leadership – in this case, the China of Deng Xiaoping -- was in the process of changing the country's political system helped smooth the way with Congress and the American public.

中文: 因此当时中国的领导邓小平,即著手进行政治体制改变的说法,有助于减少来自国会与美国大众的阻碍。        更详细...
英文: As a mirror of Political system and Political behaviour in the fields of spirit, it must he seeped into every field of the society, makes an effort to Political behaviour by Political psychology, Political sense, Political consciousness, Political belief

中文: 摘要政治文化作为社会政治体系和社会政治行为在个体心灵领域的反映,必将渗透于社会生活的各个领域,通过人们的政治心理、政治观念、政治意识、政治信仰而对政治行为发生作用,进而对中国现代化产生不可估量的影响。        更详细...
英文: But it is also worth noting that Russians, Russia's put-upon neighbours and the shareholders in the Sakhalin project are not the only people who stand to suffer as a result of the Russian economy and political system being mismanaged this way.

中文: 同样值得一提的是,如果俄罗斯经济颓废、政治混乱如此继续下去,结果受害的不仅仅是俄罗斯人、受其压制的邻国以及萨哈林岛项目的股东们。        更详细...
英文: But there is another possibility, says the LDP politician with the make-up: a one-in-five chance of a shock to Japan's political system that smashes the main parties as they are currently constituted and remakes them into something wholly new.

中文: 但是这位化妆的自民党政治家称还有另外一种可能:对日本的政治体系来说,有1/5的打击机会彻底击垮多数党当前的组织结构,使他们进行全新组合。        更详细...

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