英文: 5 For land based excavators to be used in removing wet material from small and narrow channels, which are not accessible to grab dredgers, tightly sealed closed grab excavators shall be used.
中文: 当要清除细小而狭窄的水道内的湿物料时,因抓斗式挖泥机不能进入,便需使用地面挖土机,即密封式的抓斗挖土机。
英文: 65cc self-use earwax removing syringe.
中文: 自已使用去除注射器。
英文: A bill approved by the Senate yesterday to spur stem cell research would go a long way toward removing restrictions that have slowed progress, burdened laboratories with red tape, reduced American competitiveness and discouraged young researchers from ent
中文: 几名顶尖的干细胞科学家称,昨天参议院通过的一项旨在激励干细胞研究的法案将对解除以前的种种研究限制大有裨益,这些限制减缓了研究进程、增加了实验室的繁文缛节、降低了美国的竞争力以及影响了年青研究员进入该领域的积极性。
英文: A clay bar is the perfect choice for removing bonded contaminants like overspray and tree sap mist that won't flush off with washing.
中文: 研磨泥是最好的选择,它可以去除聚积在一起的污染物,像残余物和树液,它们是单纯用清水清洗不掉的。
英文: A high quality 100% cotton terry cloth towel can be used for both applying and removing just about any Meguiar's product.
中文: 高质量的100%的棉质毛巾可用于擦拭和去除任何美光的产品。