英文: 1 Ever since it was announced that a nondoctor, in fact an actor, had been invited to give the commencement address at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the country, people have been wondering─why get someone who only pretends to be a doctor
中文: 1自从宣布一个非医师,事实上只是一个演员,受邀到国内最富声望的医学院之一向毕业生致辞以来,很多人一直觉得很奇怪──你们能请到正牌医师,为什麽要请一个只是假扮医师的人来演说呢?
英文: 25 Wah Kwong nets Business Products Limited, established in 1990, located in prestigious Chinese silk screen of the township-- Hebei Anpingxian.
中文: 华光网业制品有限公司,创建于1990年,位于久负盛名的“中国丝网之乡”——河北省安平县。
英文: A young, unemployed film-maker's 20-minute internet parody of Chen Kaige's latest movie The Promise has delighted China's online audiences and raised the hackles of the country's most prestigious - and pompous - film director.
中文: 一名年轻且没有固定工作的电影制作人通过剪辑影片《无极》制作了一部20分钟长的喜剧短篇,该短片既娱乐了中国众多的网民,同时也激怒了制作《无极》的大导演陈凯歌。
英文: Abstract: It is the fact that more and more prestigious international luxury retailers are finding a fertile market in China; the international real estate developers are favoring China, developing and constructing shopping centers.
中文: 摘要:国际知名奢侈品零售商纷纷进驻中国,国际房地产开发商也瞄准中国,开发建造购物中心。
英文: “Possicobilities” was featured at the prestigious Montreal Jazz Festival in 2006, where it received much acclaim from the world media and jazzists.
中文: 2006年,赵可的“赵可能性”乐队在加拿大蒙特利尔爵士节演出,受到国际乐迷的推崇,为世界媒体争相报导。