英文: Article 13 In case an employment permit is lost or destroyed, the employing entity shall apply to the administrative department of labor and social security that issued the said permit for re-issuing a new employment permit for the person from Taiwan, Hon
中文: 第十三条就业证遗失或损坏的,用人单位应当向颁发该证的劳动保障行政部门申请为台、港、澳人员补发就业证。
英文: Article 17 In case an employing entity fails to cancel the employment permit when it terminates or dissolves a labor contract with any person from Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macaw or when the employment term of any person from Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macaw expires
中文: 第十七条用人单位与聘雇台、港、澳人员终止、解除劳动合同或者台、港、澳人员任职期满,用人单位未办理就业证注销手续的,由劳动保障行政部门责令改正,并可以处1000元罚款。
英文: In case the employing entity is altered, the employing entity upon alteration shall apply to the local administrative department of labor and social security at the prefecture (municipal) level for another employment permit for the person from Taiwan, Hon
中文: 用人单位变更的,应当由变更后的用人单位到所在地的地(市)级劳动保障行政部门为台、港、澳人员重新申请办理就业证。
英文: When a person from Hong Kong or Macaw who engages in the private business in the Mainland suspends or shuts down his businesses, he shall cancel the employment permit at the organ that originally issued the permit within 30 working days upon the suspensio
中文: 在内地从事个体工商经营的香港、澳门人员歇业或者停止经营的,应当在歇业或者停止经营之日起30日内到颁发该证的劳动保障行政部门办理就业证注销手续。