英文: At the moment I am only thinking of my holidays and it will be Juventus that decides my future,Kapo told the Spanish press.
中文: “目前我只想着度假,我的未来由尤文来决定,”卡波告诉西班牙媒体。
英文: Besides, whether I am or not, he added, that has little or nothing to do with his thinking me ungrateful .
中文: 况且,不管我是不是这样,他接着说,这和他认为我忘恩负义没有多大关系。
英文: Besides, whether I am or not, he added, that has little or nothing to do with his thinking me ungrateful.
中文: 况且,不管我是不是这样,他接着说,这和他认为我忘恩负义没有多大关系。
英文: Bill has begun thinking about a new book that will talk about new technology and how innovation is going to transform the way we communicate, entertainment and also how innovation is going to have a profound effect at large institutions,Pinette said.
中文: 培迪特说:“比尔已经开始考虑新书的内容,这本新书在介绍新技术的同时将阐述创新给人们的交流和娱乐方式带来的改变,以及创新对整个社会产生的深远的影响。”
英文: Children's authors have enormous respect for their market - and I understood that they were thinking about children, whereas adult writers are not thinking about the outside world [when they write]; their process is internal,he says.
中文: 他讲:“儿童作家极其尊重这些人的读者,咱知道这些人想的是`儿童,而成人作家(在写作时)却不考虑外部世界;这些人的创作过程是`主观的。”